Awqad Public Park – A new Park in Salalah

Awqad Park Salalah

Awqad Public Park is a new addition to the parks in Salalah city. This khareef (July / August 2022), the park was one of the most visited places at the night time in Salalah as it was a perfect spot to eat, walk and sit.

Awqad park is spread at an area of around 100,000 square meters. The park is ideally located in North Awqad, which is nearby the tourist attractions of Ittin, Titam and Ayn Khor.

400 meters long walking track is along the fountain, which is location at the centre of the park. The park area is green with couple of canopies selling food items.

A new four star hotel – Tulip Inn Majan Hotel – has opened besides this beautiful park. You can stay there and have an evening walk at the park.

The other famous parks in Salalah are Salalah Public Park, Saadah Public Park, Razat Park, Ittin Park and Ittin Walkway Park.

Ad Dahariz Park, which was the only beach facing park in Salalah, is temporary closed since the Mekunu cyclone passed by.

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